Image by Satheesh Sankaran from Pixabay
Image by Satheesh Sankaran from Pixabay

Why Websites are Critical for Small Businesses

Description: This blog post will show you how small business websites benefit small businesses. It’ll show you how they impact businesses by increasing traffic, providing analytics, and building credibility.

Large businesses that are well known, such as, Apple, Amazon, and the Hershey Company all have websites. According to, some of these businesses spend 100k on the site itself, then around 20k every month to maintain and advertise it. Why would businesses that are already known worldwide spend so much money on a website? Well, because of all of its benefits. Fortunately, these benefits aren’t limited to these large companies either. Websites are just as useful to small businesses as they are to large businesses. They may even be more useful!

Image of a small business store advertising itself.
Small business mouthpiece. Shop and hand with megaphone concept. Vector Illustration Vectors by Vecteezy

Small Business Credibility

To start, websites for small businesses help build credibility and trust. A website will show people that you’re real. This is why in the previous paragraph I said websites may be more useful to small businesses than larger ones. Those large companies are already trusted by many because of their reach. New businesses have to build up to that point, and having a website is a great way to start.

A website gives potential customers the chance to learn more about your business. It gives them a place to actually shop for your products. If you don’t have a physical store, or are based locally, this is crucial. Having a stable online presence will lead to customers being able to trust your site when searching for you. A bonus is if you have a custom domain name, since that also adds to your credibility. Personally, I would rather book with, than “”. It may not seem like a big deal but it makes a difference. Custom domains are usually simpler, and that makes it easier for customers to search for you. In addition, according to AmplifyYou, “custom URLs are 39 percent more likely to be clicked than unbranded links”. So, it has the potential to increase traffic to your site as well.

Website Traffic

Speaking of traffic, that’s another huge benefit of having websites for small businesses. As a new business, or a small business, one of your main goals is to grow. To grow your business, you need customers. Gaining traffic has a huge impact on gaining customers and converting sales. But hold on, lets go back a little bit. The traffic I’m talking about has nothing to do with literal driving. Website traffic is how many people visit your website. By gaining more traffic, more people will see what your business has to offer. So, having a good site is important, its basically a first impression.

Website Analytics

Websites can provide analytics. For example, on my blog posts, I use Google Analytics. These analytics let you see stats such as how customers travel on your site, how long they stay, when they leave, and where they’re from. With these extra stats you can understand your customers more. You can see where they may struggle at, what pages aren’t beneficial to them, which ones are beneficial, etc. Being able to understand your customers better, allows you to make improvements. Remember, it’s all about the user.

Image of store with arrows showing growth.
Small Business Vectors by Vecteezy

In conclusion, having a website for your business has many benefits. It allows you to build credibility, which is very important for new & small businesses. It lets you get to know your customers better through the analytics you receive. Lastly, it’ll help you make more sales and grow your business!